Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Maine PUG December agenda

Join us for a little holiday cheer at a casual potluck dinner at Em & J's new house on Thursday, December 16th at 7p. Bring your spouse or significant other, your favorite dish and a bit of booze as we wrap up a successful stretch of monthly PUGs and bid farewell to a fabulous 2010.

Please request an evite for directions and to RSVP to this event at photo@emilieinc[dot]com.

Open to all Maine photographers.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Fall luncheon recap

Many thanks to the women who recently attended our fall luncheon at Pier 77 Restaurant in Cape Porpoise. Dining upstairs in their private Lighthouse Room with stunning views and spa-like music was the perfect setting for everyone to unwind and catch up after a busy season. It was so nice to have a few new faces in our group, as well as the chance to see some old friends as well. You are a very dear group and I always leave feeling grateful for having such a stellar group of colleagues- and girlfriends- in the biz who have each other's backs.

See you in the spring!

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Maine PUG November agenda

Meet Kerry and Richard of Richard Coke Guided Safaris, visiting the states from South Africa, as they share an inside peek into their unique lifestyle and show Richard’s beautiful wildlife photography at the Maine PUG on Wednesday, November 17th at 7p at Sea Dog Brewing Company in South Portland. RSVP to or on our Facebook PUG page. All are welcome.

Upcoming PUGs:

Thursday, December 16th: Holiday potluck