Wednesday, April 4, 2007

Thank you!

What a success! I know I speak on everyone's behalf when I say a big THANKS for taking time out of your busy schedules to meet some fellow colleagues and share a bit of yourselves with the group.

I think this is something that would be fun to continue, perhaps once a quarter or so? Let me know your thoughts.

And here is our group photo... we all obviously could have done a lot better, but it's not terrible considering it's a point & shoot taken by our great waiter (who knew mostly all of our names by the end of our lunch. I knew those nametags were a good idea!).


Jennifer Stone said...

I had such a great time meeting everyone! Thanks so much Emilie:) Let's do it again soon!

Debbie Harmon said...

Ohhhh I'm so bummed I missed meeting everyone.
My mom was coming down to watch my boys but she DOESN'T drive in snow. I'll have to pick wyndees brain about all that happened. I hope this can happen again sometime.

Kim Chapman Photography said...

Thanks Emilie!! It was really fun. Last November, I organized an end of the season wrap-up party... a wine and cheese party in November but of course I didn't know many of you at the time. Maybe we can combine this with that for then and more...

Jennifer Stone said...

Kim, that sounds like fun!

Samantha Warren Weddings said...

So sorry I missed it. Sounds like it was such a great time! Thanks to Emilie for getting this going! Maine brides are so blessed to have such a talented selection of shooters to pick from.

Anonymous said...

Hi, found your blog from David Jay's site.

Sounds like you women had a great time.